Friday, December 14, 2012

Time for my bi-annual blogging...

So uh... been a few, months...

As usual when I have things to say, popular or not I feel like I'm much better at putting it into print rather than trying to say it with words. As some of my close friends may know I'm not the best at talking, and as my mother will likely attest, I'm not great at expressing my feelings out loud. For those of you that don't like it, that's just how I roll... deal with it.

There's been a lot of crap going on around me in the last 24 hours or so.  Nothing that directly affects me, but it makes my heart sad and makes me wish I could build a time machine and change things.  First off via the Facebook I find out that my friend has lost her baby daddy, friend, and fiancee to cancer. Several years ago I experienced the same thing when I lost my grandmother to cancer. I won't say it's exactly the same but I remember when I first found out I was shocked, but I kept my cool.  I remember my mom getting ahold of me and asking if I wanted to go to the funeral, which I wholeheartedly said yes to.  Most of the family flew out to BC for it I remember being "okay" right up until the actual funeral at which point something in my brain switched from "you've got this, you'll be alright" to "balling like a baby" mode. It hit me all at once, Cancer was a bitch and I'll never see my grandmother again.  So I can only imagine what she is going through having lost someone so incredibly close to her heart.  It's been a least a year that he was fighting with cancer, there were times where he seemed to be doing alright, and then he was in the hospital up in Saskatoon, next thing I know, bad news. Of course as soon as I found out I sent her a text letting her know I was around if she needed anything at all. I got no response, but that's not the point, I know she got it, she probably got hundreds of texts last night and why would she respond to all of them, or any of them. There are people much closer to the situation that will be there for her. I'm second string and I'll be there to step up if she needs it.

Then as icing on the proverbial cake, I'm doing a gig out of town in the small town of Gravelbourg SK today.  When I get to town I notice the internets have come to life with stories of a shooting in Connecticut. Some asshat took an assault rifle into an elementary school down there and opened fire killing 27 people and wounding 20 more. Of course the bulk of what I've seen is outcry for gun laws/gun control in the states. I'd say with the way things have gone in the past with this sort of thing if you have an issue with this, and you want the government to make some changes, MAKE THEM! I don't mean revolt, that would be backwards, but write letters, vote in whomever you need, do what it takes to get those that can to affect change to the existing laws (or lack thereof) and constitution. It may be every american's "right to bear arms" but that's like saying it's every axe murder's right to bear an axe. You don't give people the means to act out their sick fantasies, it's that simple. Instead anyone can go to Wal-Mart (or in some states even the gas station) and buy a weapon.  I'm not against people owning guns, but I am against anyone who wants a firearm being able to purchase one. In Canada anyone that would like to own firearms, restricted or otherwise has to pass a course. If you want your restricted (for handguns and the like) you have to pass two tests. Then you need references from people saying that they're pretty sure you won't go on a murderous rampage. Then you need to wait for your license to be processed before you can even buy a firearm.  I'd say this goes a fair ways toward eliminating people who shouldn't be owning firearms from running down to Billy's Gun Shack and buying an AR-15 to shoot up the local mall with.  Because if you think about it, crazy people that want to go on a shooting rampage like they do in the video games don't want to take a course, then find character references, then wait for a license to buy a gun and lose their marbles.  Some would, but rampages like what happened in Connecticut are more so spur of the moment fits of rage, than pre-planned events by people that have had training in how to properly use a firearm.  Reality is, if someone thinks you shouldn't own guns any longer, they can call the RCMP who will then show up at your door and take them from you. I mean, I know my father loves me but if he even had the slightest hint that I was going to go on some form of shooting spree, he'd rat me out and have me committed to a mental institution.

So what am I saying about this? Life sucks, poop happens, but life goes on as well. I'm very thankful that I live in Canada, and that my entire family is safe and healthy.  My challenge though is this, if you're doing well, if you're safe and healthy, be there for those that aren't. If you just stand by while your friends or family, or strangers around you are suffering than lend them a hand. At this time of year is it even that much more appropriate.  Buying gifts for people and Christmas parties are all well and good, but there are people who won't be celebrating this festive season for one reason or another. I know there are a bunch of families in Connecticut that won't be having a very Merry Christmas (or Chanukah, Kwanzaa, or anything of the sort).  As much as it's fun to enjoy all that life has to give, it'll be more rewarding if you share it.

aaaand... Exhale!

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