Tuesday, April 12, 2011

So "soon" turned into a week... whoops!

So, I’ve failed again in my attempts to blog more often. Perhaps I should not make a point of trying to make a point of blogging and just let it happen.  Though as it stands my life isn’t terribly exciting on a day to day basis so sometimes finding material to write about is tough.

For the last couple of days, (and from the look of it a good portion of the rest of my week ) I have been working on some lighting, and eventually the audio at a local night club. Not the one I usually work at, but it’s owned by the same conglomerate.  It’s been an adventure so far. Yesterday instead of unpacking and going about putting up a bunch of lighting fixtures, I ended up taking them all apart and putting the guts back together.  Some were worse than others, either way it was a task.  Today was spent picking up more supplies, taking a few lights down, and for the most part figuring out how to get a...  well... something fairly top secret to work.  Happily I can say I’m fairly certain it’s figured and I should be able to hook everything up and test it tomorrow.  I’ll also be able to hang up all the new lights and get going on wiring them up... There’s a good 26 lights that need to be made happening, so I’m guesstimating it’ll take a day to put them all up, and another day to wire them up...

Other than that I’ve still been job hunting.  I’m not looking for anything specifically, though it’s a bit depressing when the majority of what’s available is either in the trades, at a call centre, or requires __ years of experience.  While most of you would probably assume I’m looking for another job in production I’m not sold on that, if the right opportunity with the right company came up I’d take it, but really I just want something I can count on. Something stable where the boss won’t be “joking” about laying me off for the next three months until things pick up again.  When that last happened I quit, and while I wish him well, I don’t expect him to be going anywhere “big time” in the near future.

In the personal development arena I’ve decided that I should procure a bicycle, I may buy new, may buy used, we shall see.  The idea is to start working on my fitness, which is something I’ve neglected for some time.  A bike isn’t an all in one solution so I may find myself having to experiment with other things too, to see what fits with me.  So if any of you think you’re up to the challenge of whipping me into shape you’re welcome to try.

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