Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I ain't singing the blues.

So yes, I know in my last post (or two) I said I would get better about blogging more frequently, since it’s been over a week since my last post that clearly has not happened.  I suppose since lately all I’ve been up to is playing Xbox and job hunting online I should have time to maintain my blog.  And the answer is yes, I have the time, but no I do not have the motivation.  As a weak excuse I did edit a post the other day in regards to the ex, she emailed and asked me (not all that politely, but asked none the less) that I remove a certain portion.  I as such removed what I felt was necessary.  That being said, that isn’t really blogging that’s editing.  As a side note she is insisting again that we “get together on purpose rather than run into each other by accident.”  There are two problems with that thought, for one I don’t wish to ‘get together’ we have nothing to discuss unless it pertains to “sign on the dotted line please”.  Two, if we do run across each other it will be in a situation where neither of us are obligated to talk to the other, and are most likely out with our own friends.

That’s what I’ve got, short sweet and to the point.  I have a couple of thoughts that I’ll hopefully develop into a post in the next day or two.

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