Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Metal, cookies, and ranting oh MY!

So I realize it’s been a week since my last posting, and honestly that’s too long.  I meant when I started this to at least post every other day if not daily, and here I am procrastinating like I always do.  SO here is the brief update on where I’m at as exciting as it is. 

No job yet, I need to send out another batch of resumes I keep putting it off even though I should be doing that daily.  I had an interview a week ago which so far I have not heard back about, though they said it may be as late as next week before I hear back.  The job sounded like what I’m looking for, which is less physically demanding and more ‘stable’ than what I was doing previously... alas I must endeavor to keep looking.  In the worst case I do have a back up plan I can try, or I can try EI for a bit which would still drive me nuts.

Still playing much paintball, I’ve been out (I think) every week since the second or third week of January.  That means I’ve been out probably just as much in 2011 as I was in 2010 already, that’s something I’m actually proud of.  That being said I do have welts on top of welts, on top of welts-- which I’m okay with.

After my last blog I received an email from “The Ex” mostly rehashing some things she stated in previous emails.  She keeps insisting that “Let's plan to run into each other sometime instead of being caught off guard.”  I responded as I always do, informing her that I have no need to see her in person, and if she has anything she needs to say or get off her chest she should just inform me via email.  I like to think I’m a fairly smart guy, and something tells me that she has something she ‘has’ to tell me but doesn’t feel it’s appropriate via email.  Fact of the matter is I feel no need to interact with her in person, hell I hardly feel like interacting with her via email.  Fact of the matter is that she asked for the divorce and letting her go has been incredibly difficult, I’ve been trying my damnedest to move on with life and seeing her in person would invariably be a HUGE setback to any progress I have made. 

Anyways enough about that depressing drivel, today I fold laundry, vacuum the basement for dad, and tonight I rock... sort of, there is a metal show at the Distrikt tonight that I’m not particularly excited for.  I’m not usually excited for metal shows in general as for the most part I find they’re all obnoxiously loud, and usually sound like more of the same stuff as the last one.  “This next song is about decapitated christian eating zombies that want you to know your god is dead.”  Yeah yeah, come up with something original will you?  It’s like they completely forget that all their metal buddies have written all their songs about the exact same thing... Give me something fresh and original rather than the same, recycled, old, angry stuff.  I to this day maintain that I would start a metal band IF we could write and sing songs about fuzzy bunnies and happy elves and cookie recipes.  Imagine for a minute wouldn’t you some very metal guy up on stage screaming “Two cups of flour, one cup of chocolate chips, one teaspoon of salt, one teaspoon of vanillaaaaaagggghhh!!!”  How’s that for twisted and messed up?

Enough of that for more, I’ll let your brains wrap themselves around that for a while.

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