Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Frank Sinatra crashed my laptop...

It’s been too many days since I last blogged, my brain almost had my type too many blogs since I last dayed... Must not be fully awake yet.  Makes me think I need to start getting better at waking up earlier, as well as blogging more often.

So I’m going to start off with something that’s been ‘bugging’ me for the last several days (almost a week) which hasn’t been bugging me much, it’s just been on my mind a fair bit.  Last thursday night I did a show at The Exchange which was pretty good, a little off the beaten path for me but a good show none the less.  Aside from sound check etc the night started off with two of my ex wife’s friends showing up.  No words were exchanged, no looks were exchanged (as far as I know) I knew they were there, they knew I was there I assume.  A part of me really wished I had a gorgeous lady friend to come fawn over me a bit just to get their goat as it were.  Alas that wasn’t going to happen.  I did however also run into her cousin’s ex girlfriend and had a very good (and informative) chat with.  The two of them split after Aubrey and myself, and one thing she said stood out like a sore thumb.  “It was weird trying to talk about it, (me and Aubrey) it was almost like it never happened.” When I asked her to expand on what “it” was, her response was simple “Everything.”  Some may think that’s a pretty crazy statement, may wonder “how does an entire family just ‘forget’ about four years?  My response, I don’t know really, (I have edited the est of this segment as per a request via email.)

Anyways other than that life has been pretty descent, though today we move my brother into my parents house (where I’ve been staying since I was asked to move out).  He’ll be here for 3 weeks from the sound of it while Boardwalk sorts out his new apartment, after his old one has now flooded twice.  On the up side all of his stuff has been un-damaged from what I hear.  

The job hunt is going, nothing yet, but it’s still early on.  I had an interview which I don’t think I blew out of the water, but I feel like I did fairly well at.  I’ll find out Sometime next week or early the week after about that one, in the mean time I’ll be putting out more resumes.  If any of you happen to have leads on work I’d appreciate it, I’m looking for something not in the production industry if at all possible.  I’d also like something that isn’t too demanding physically as my back is still sore from MLS.

Anyways, that’s what I’ve got for now... more blogs to come!!!

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