Saturday, February 19, 2011

Horoscopes and Hamburgers

Well yet again it’s another late night-sorta wired blog... sue me.
I had a thought tonight (well several to be precise) but this one is standing in the forefront.  Don’t you just love Horoscopes?  For the most part they’re so vague and generalized that the odds of them not coming true are nigh impossible.   Take for instance my horoscope for today (Gemini in case you were wondering.)

"You should be feeling especially passionate now, Gemini, especially regarding partnerships. Romantic partnerships definitely call for an evening alone together. Professional and creative ones, on the other hand, call for a new project that you both believe in. Look to events in distant states or foreign countries for inspiration. Something begun far away from home could capture your imagination."

Lots of use of “should be” and “could” in there, nothing definitive for the most part.  Don’t get me wrong I’m not going on some rant and bashing them, just pointing out that they’re carefully written so as to not suggest a definite outcome or end product, but instead to point you in a certain direction.

I find that sometimes I do that myself in conversation with people.. “you could do this” or “try this” I often make statements and carefully word them so as to not be definitive.  I use such statements to give people the option to choose their own path, even if I know what the answer ‘should’ be.  Perhaps I tend to be too much of a pacifist (bearded monk?) in dealing with people, I don’t want to impinge on their right to choose for themselves, even if I do know better.  Though that begs the question, do I really know better? I know lots of things, perhaps sometimes just enough to be dangerous, but do I know all the right answers on a given subject? 

More food for thought I suppose, what I do know is that I am definitely now tired and with that being stated, I am off to bed.

Take care and Talk to you all soon!

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