Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Corporately Driven Love Day

So I decided I should blog today,  that being said I’m starting off without much of an idea of what to write.  I suppose the usual platitudes of “Happy Valentines Day” are in order, and I hope you all have one.   Myself I plan on celebrating it by watching a lot of Deep Space Nine, and than going out for wings tonight with friends. 

I’ve never actually been ‘big’ on Valentines Day even when dating, or while being married.  To me it seems a little bit... well dumb.  Why should you take one day out of the year to make a special show of your affection towards that someone special, and especially the same day as everyone else?  Wouldn’t it be better to show that special person how you feel about them when they’re not specifically expecting it?  I’d say this is worth consideration at least.  Of course this also has practical reasoning, factor in that on Valentines day usually the price of chocolate, roses, and the like all go up, so why not wait a week, or a month, or however long you wish and save a little money (or spend the same amount of money and get more?)

Enough of that anyways,  I hope you all have an excellent day!

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