Thursday, February 10, 2011

Missing something?

So I’m sitting here Thursday morning, my second last day of this job and you think I’d be bursting at the seams almost, but I’m not.  Perhaps that will be closer to tomorrow at 5ish? 

I have a feeling that there will be things I miss about this job just like there are things I miss from all of my other jobs.  Some have far more good memories than others obviously.  I miss working at places like Joey’s Only, Dairy Queen, and even Long & McQuade sometimes because of some of the great people I got to work with.  I miss working at Moxies, not for the work environment or for the friends I made while working there (there weren’t any.) I miss it for the things I learned working in that kitchen, that place inspired me to try new things in the kitchen, which is generally a good thing. 

I’m not sure what I’ll miss about working here at MLS yet.  It was good to be able to focus on what’s my next gig, and getting to work with piles of gear.  But at the same time it was a lot of work setting up and tearing down, and driving hours and hours between shows.  I know I won’t miss waiting for months for the boss to fix a tire on one of the trucks, or paying for tow trucks and repairs on the vehicles and waiting to be reimbursed.  I’m not going to miss being asked to wait on depositing my pay cheque.  I know I’m not going to miss moving piles and piles of computers and waking up with sore body parts as a result.  So what is it that I will miss? I honestly can’t peg one thing... maybe nothing...

It’s like my (failed attempt at) marriage.  There are things I can tell you I miss about it.  The closeness, the having someone to talk to at night, someone to come home to and lay beside.  Someone to try out new recipes on.  There are of course plenty of things I don’t miss from that relationship but for the time being I’m not going to focus on them... Reality is that it’s all in the past and there isn’t much one can do about the past, unless one of you has a time machine I can borrow.   Fact of the matter is that I have a future ahead of me and I need to work on making that excellent. 

And with those words in mind I ask; who wants to play Star Trek Monopoly tonight?

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