Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Dazed and Confused.

It’s a new blog! I know what the heck is going on!!!

So I spent some time today contemplating stuff to write about. It wasn"t a lot of time since I've been dopey from a lot of Advil to quell a headache. So here you go, nothing fantastic but something that’s on my mind reasonably often. What is this fantastic topic you ask? Female fashion statements that boggle my mind.

Female fashion statement that boggles my mind #1: UGG Boots.
WHY!!!??? I can understand perhaps as winter boots, but for the most part they resemble what they sound like. Remember that the first syllable of ugly, is ugg. Or perhaps they’re called ugg boots because they sound like the women that wear them before they put them on as they say “Ugh, I’ll just wear these I give up.”  Nothing confuses me more than a girl/woman walking through the mall or anywhere else, dressed up nicely, skirt/dress, and so on, than you look at her feet and instead of cute shoes, she’s sporting big ole uggs... Any appeal she may of had, just flew out the window.

Female fashion statement that boggles my mind #2: Backcombed hair.
Again, why??? Is there a logical reason for doing this with your hair? From what I’ve heard it takes some time to do, but it really doesn’t look that good, it honestly makes me think you’re hiding your egg shaped head.  I realize that everyone’s doing it, but it doesn’t make it right. Like your parents may have said when you were young, if everyone else jumped off a bridge, would you do it too?  Really natural looking hair is far more appealing, even a simple ponytail, but why the back-comb, I don’t see why it would enhance anything. 

Female fashion statement that boggles my mind #3: Obscene heels/hooker heels.
I don’t get it, especially when you’re out drinking at a bar, but even during the day, why would you need to wear heels over a couple of inches? 6” heels can’t be comfortable and really they don’t do that much more for you than an average heel.  Maybe there’s something I don’t know but think about your shoes when you buy, I’d rather see a girl in sneakers, not so say that I don’t appreciate a girl in heels, but there’s reasonable footwear and than there’s “that can’t be comfortable.”

Female fashion statement that boggles my mind #4: Expensive designer jeans
I’ve heard the “they fit better” argument, but really, with some hunting I’m sure you could find jeans under $500, let alone under $50 that fit well and won’t need you to put down collateral and get a loan to afford them. Again, I have simple tastes, I firmly believe (i’ve said it for years) if a girl can pull off sweats, she’ll be smoking in a little black dress.

Anyways... that’s my crazy-old-man rambling rant for the night. We’ll see y’all next time, and please do feel free to comment I’d love to hear all of your thoughts on this.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

WoW... Blog-fail!

So, it's been since April that I last posted...

As promised here's a blog, not a lot to say right now, I thought I would have tossed around a few ideas in my head throughout the day, and nothing has come up.

I will give you an update on me quickly since it has been a while.  Since April my divorce has finalized, something that went relatively smooth all things considered and I have to say there's definitely some relief now that it's over with.  I also started a new job in June, I've been working for Telus Mobility selling phones since. I've also been busy with the Distrikt with lots of shows going on and getting to mix some pretty awesome bands such as Bif Naked, Great Rooms, and Monster Truck!

Anyways, hope you're all doing well if there's anything you'd like me to blog about let me know and I'll do my best.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

So "soon" turned into a week... whoops!

So, I’ve failed again in my attempts to blog more often. Perhaps I should not make a point of trying to make a point of blogging and just let it happen.  Though as it stands my life isn’t terribly exciting on a day to day basis so sometimes finding material to write about is tough.

For the last couple of days, (and from the look of it a good portion of the rest of my week ) I have been working on some lighting, and eventually the audio at a local night club. Not the one I usually work at, but it’s owned by the same conglomerate.  It’s been an adventure so far. Yesterday instead of unpacking and going about putting up a bunch of lighting fixtures, I ended up taking them all apart and putting the guts back together.  Some were worse than others, either way it was a task.  Today was spent picking up more supplies, taking a few lights down, and for the most part figuring out how to get a...  well... something fairly top secret to work.  Happily I can say I’m fairly certain it’s figured and I should be able to hook everything up and test it tomorrow.  I’ll also be able to hang up all the new lights and get going on wiring them up... There’s a good 26 lights that need to be made happening, so I’m guesstimating it’ll take a day to put them all up, and another day to wire them up...

Other than that I’ve still been job hunting.  I’m not looking for anything specifically, though it’s a bit depressing when the majority of what’s available is either in the trades, at a call centre, or requires __ years of experience.  While most of you would probably assume I’m looking for another job in production I’m not sold on that, if the right opportunity with the right company came up I’d take it, but really I just want something I can count on. Something stable where the boss won’t be “joking” about laying me off for the next three months until things pick up again.  When that last happened I quit, and while I wish him well, I don’t expect him to be going anywhere “big time” in the near future.

In the personal development arena I’ve decided that I should procure a bicycle, I may buy new, may buy used, we shall see.  The idea is to start working on my fitness, which is something I’ve neglected for some time.  A bike isn’t an all in one solution so I may find myself having to experiment with other things too, to see what fits with me.  So if any of you think you’re up to the challenge of whipping me into shape you’re welcome to try.

Monday, March 21, 2011

I didn't get this pretty face from punching people.

It’s been a few days, I know, but better quality than quantity... perhaps I need to fire my quality assurance and find someone better at their job ;)

Anyways this has recently come to the surface (as in today) and it’s something I feel needs saying on a grander scale.  In my Facebook travels today I noticed a debate raging on a friends page about violence towards women.  My friend who is a nice girl has a past which involved a particularly unintelligent boy who rather than showing her love and affection, chose to beat her.  It took a very unpleasant experience on her part to end that relationship.  I will not get into details, or commentary on the cycle of abuse that is sometimes mentioned as I don’t feel overly qualified to discuss it.  I do feel it is most undesirable that it exists. 

Back to my story, she had posted a comment stating that real men don’t hit women.  A couple of what I will confidently say are ignorant young men took up the opposing side of that statement saying that when men hit women it’s because the women provoked it, all of this under the banner of ‘broadening her statement’ and bringing a ‘balanced opinion.‘ 

This at very least made me want to slap these young men who think that violence, especially against women, can be justified.  I am very much of the opinion that violence should be avoided by whatever means necessary.  In the end striking out in a violent fashion will only beget more violence.  People all too often use violent reactions as their only resort rather than being responsible to the well being of their fellow humans.  I admit I’ve had times where I have been blinded by rage and wanted to beat the ever living hell out of someone.  But as some of my friends would readily point out, I’m not a fighter, as Matty would say “Mitch is the bearded monk”.  I tend to cope with my anger in a far more rational fashion rather than acting it out in a physical, visceral fashion.  When people get me to that point there is often a reason for it, whether or not it’s a good one there is a reason.  It doesn’t mean that I have to hit them.  It also means I don’t have to communicate with them more than necessary.  Often the best reaction is time and space, if I have to deal with the person in any sort of official or regular capacity than it can be talked about. 

The act of hitting someone because “they were asking for it” is a terrible excuse at best.  Justifying acts of violence against anyone because of your inability to discuss your differences is wrong whether you’re John Smith or leader of one of the most powerful nations in the world.  If you’re not man enough to discuss your gripes with someone and instead bring them harm, are you really a man?  I mean you just did the easy thing and acted on your most base urges.

Now I’m not going and saying that you should be a complete pacifist as there will always be those that think might is right and use strength and violence to get what they want.  I would go so far as to say that I won’t be the first person to throw a punch, but at the same time I would defend myself as best I could against someone who decided ‘we’ needed to fight.  With no training in martial arts or anything of the like I don’t expect that I’d last long in a fight.  I would much rather avoid physical confrontation than get into fisticuffs because I do believe there are better ways of dealing with people rather than imposing your will on their body. 

So in the end, I’ll expand on my friends statement.  Real men don’t hit anyone. Ignorance is no reason for stupidity, or an excuse for being a thug.  If you don’t have the knowledge and mental fortitude to discuss your issues with someone educate yourself.  Physical violence is a lazy man’s approach to solving a problem.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I pine for pie.

I’m having one of those “I’m feeling useless” days.  Perhaps in small part due to the fact that it does look a little bit gloomy outside.  Reality is though, that it’s a terrible feeling.  It’s one of those days where self doubt creeps in and rears it’s head, making me think I’m not good for much.  The job hunt has thus far gone poorly, we’ll see if that trend continues but it seems like all the jobs I can find are for call centers, require some form of degree or training in the trades.  Call centers are right out, the rest I don’t have.  What few other jobs I have applied for I haven’t heard back from at all.  Of course there’s the option to move elsewhere, but the question then is “where?” Add to that I don’t have the funds to move and you find me stuck.

Anyways apologies for the shortness of the blog, I’ll try to write something a bit more meaty in the next day or two.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Know what gets my goat??

Okay, this get’s my goat.  Recently Japan suffered an 8.8 magnitude earthquake, (the scale is out of ten if I recollect) which is the biggest earthquake to ever hit the island.  Adding to that difficulty is that it was off shore and caused a Tsunami (aka a big fucking tidal wave) to rush inland and create even more devastation.  Currently as of the last time I saw an update on the News the Japanese government was working it’s ass off attempting to cool down three nuclear power plant to prevent melt down from occurring.   Think Chernobyl Ukraine as far as meltdown goes.  So not only were they ravaged by Earthquake and Tsunami, they have imminent nuclear meltdown x3 looming in the distance.

Here’s the first issue, somewhat minor in scope compared to the second, but still.  Many people some I know and lots that I don’t are ‘horrified’ and ‘taken aback’ by what occurred and they’re pouring out sympathies via twitter, facebook and whatever other means they have at their disposal.  The problem with this is two fold, firstly unless you have friends or family on your twitter or facebook accounts odds are no one in Japan is very likely to see your emotional outpouring.  The second thing is that your noble exhortations, condolences, and the like do nothing for those that are digging out of the shit as it were.  It’s like witnessing a horrific car crash and yelling at the people in the burning cars that you’re very sorry that they were in that crash just now, than standing back to see what happens.  If you really feel so sorry for the people of Japan, do something, I’m not saying book a flight and jump into the fray, but there are plenty of ways of assisting.  The most useful I’ve seen yet is to donate money to the Red Cross who will be doing everything they can to assist.  You can follow this link to go to the Red Cross site and donate there, of call them toll free to donate. http://www.redcross.ca/article.asp?id=38375&tid=001

Here’s my second issue with the disaster.  There are a group of people, not a majority I hope, but perhaps an uneducated few that believe Japan “had it coming because of Pearl Harbor.”  Now excuse me if I’m wrong but the abridged story of what occurred in the Pacific in WW2 is as follows. The Japanese launch a surprise attack on an unprepared (perhaps overconfident) Pearl Harbor bludgeoning the Americans. In the end there were 2,402 men killed and 1,282 wounded.  Approximately 3.5 years later the war in the Pacific came to a close after the American’s dropped two nuclear devices on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima (August 6, 1945) and Nagasaki (August 9, 1945). Within the first two to four months of the bombings, the acute effects killed 90,000–166,000 people in Hiroshima and 60,000–80,000 in Nagasaki with most of the dead in both cities being civilians.  Now maybe I’ve done my math incorrectly but I would say that the Japanese got many times their ‘just desserts’ for Pearl Harbor with those two attacks alone, and that’s without factoring deaths occurring after those first few months, as well as whatever other health problems came as a result of the effects of having two nuclear bombs dropped on your country.  To date Japan is the only country in the world that has had Nuclear devices used on it in a time of war.  So to the simple minded, ignorant people that think that this earthquake and the resulting damages from Tsunami and potential meltdown are Japan getting what they deserve for the 2,402 casualties and 1,282 wounded from Pearl Harbor... All I can say is I can think of the ghosts of 150,000+ dead Japanese from Hiroshima and Nagasaki that would love to beg to differ with you.  That’s not to exclude people like myself who think you’re being childish and ignorant, there are others out there that would agree with me.  I would argue that you people that think this is some sort of ‘payback’ would be those crying loudest if some form of natural disaster was to strike your homeland (I’m going to assume it’s the United States).  I would also venture to say, the Japanese wouldn’t be sitting at home thinking “HAH! That’s what they get for Hiroshima and Nagasaki!”

Anyways </rant>  That was my Sunday evening in a nutshell, I hope I find all of you doing well.  Gokouun o inorimasu (Good Luck)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I ain't singing the blues.

So yes, I know in my last post (or two) I said I would get better about blogging more frequently, since it’s been over a week since my last post that clearly has not happened.  I suppose since lately all I’ve been up to is playing Xbox and job hunting online I should have time to maintain my blog.  And the answer is yes, I have the time, but no I do not have the motivation.  As a weak excuse I did edit a post the other day in regards to the ex, she emailed and asked me (not all that politely, but asked none the less) that I remove a certain portion.  I as such removed what I felt was necessary.  That being said, that isn’t really blogging that’s editing.  As a side note she is insisting again that we “get together on purpose rather than run into each other by accident.”  There are two problems with that thought, for one I don’t wish to ‘get together’ we have nothing to discuss unless it pertains to “sign on the dotted line please”.  Two, if we do run across each other it will be in a situation where neither of us are obligated to talk to the other, and are most likely out with our own friends.

That’s what I’ve got, short sweet and to the point.  I have a couple of thoughts that I’ll hopefully develop into a post in the next day or two.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Metal, cookies, and ranting oh MY!

So I realize it’s been a week since my last posting, and honestly that’s too long.  I meant when I started this to at least post every other day if not daily, and here I am procrastinating like I always do.  SO here is the brief update on where I’m at as exciting as it is. 

No job yet, I need to send out another batch of resumes I keep putting it off even though I should be doing that daily.  I had an interview a week ago which so far I have not heard back about, though they said it may be as late as next week before I hear back.  The job sounded like what I’m looking for, which is less physically demanding and more ‘stable’ than what I was doing previously... alas I must endeavor to keep looking.  In the worst case I do have a back up plan I can try, or I can try EI for a bit which would still drive me nuts.

Still playing much paintball, I’ve been out (I think) every week since the second or third week of January.  That means I’ve been out probably just as much in 2011 as I was in 2010 already, that’s something I’m actually proud of.  That being said I do have welts on top of welts, on top of welts-- which I’m okay with.

After my last blog I received an email from “The Ex” mostly rehashing some things she stated in previous emails.  She keeps insisting that “Let's plan to run into each other sometime instead of being caught off guard.”  I responded as I always do, informing her that I have no need to see her in person, and if she has anything she needs to say or get off her chest she should just inform me via email.  I like to think I’m a fairly smart guy, and something tells me that she has something she ‘has’ to tell me but doesn’t feel it’s appropriate via email.  Fact of the matter is I feel no need to interact with her in person, hell I hardly feel like interacting with her via email.  Fact of the matter is that she asked for the divorce and letting her go has been incredibly difficult, I’ve been trying my damnedest to move on with life and seeing her in person would invariably be a HUGE setback to any progress I have made. 

Anyways enough about that depressing drivel, today I fold laundry, vacuum the basement for dad, and tonight I rock... sort of, there is a metal show at the Distrikt tonight that I’m not particularly excited for.  I’m not usually excited for metal shows in general as for the most part I find they’re all obnoxiously loud, and usually sound like more of the same stuff as the last one.  “This next song is about decapitated christian eating zombies that want you to know your god is dead.”  Yeah yeah, come up with something original will you?  It’s like they completely forget that all their metal buddies have written all their songs about the exact same thing... Give me something fresh and original rather than the same, recycled, old, angry stuff.  I to this day maintain that I would start a metal band IF we could write and sing songs about fuzzy bunnies and happy elves and cookie recipes.  Imagine for a minute wouldn’t you some very metal guy up on stage screaming “Two cups of flour, one cup of chocolate chips, one teaspoon of salt, one teaspoon of vanillaaaaaagggghhh!!!”  How’s that for twisted and messed up?

Enough of that for more, I’ll let your brains wrap themselves around that for a while.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Frank Sinatra crashed my laptop...

It’s been too many days since I last blogged, my brain almost had my type too many blogs since I last dayed... Must not be fully awake yet.  Makes me think I need to start getting better at waking up earlier, as well as blogging more often.

So I’m going to start off with something that’s been ‘bugging’ me for the last several days (almost a week) which hasn’t been bugging me much, it’s just been on my mind a fair bit.  Last thursday night I did a show at The Exchange which was pretty good, a little off the beaten path for me but a good show none the less.  Aside from sound check etc the night started off with two of my ex wife’s friends showing up.  No words were exchanged, no looks were exchanged (as far as I know) I knew they were there, they knew I was there I assume.  A part of me really wished I had a gorgeous lady friend to come fawn over me a bit just to get their goat as it were.  Alas that wasn’t going to happen.  I did however also run into her cousin’s ex girlfriend and had a very good (and informative) chat with.  The two of them split after Aubrey and myself, and one thing she said stood out like a sore thumb.  “It was weird trying to talk about it, (me and Aubrey) it was almost like it never happened.” When I asked her to expand on what “it” was, her response was simple “Everything.”  Some may think that’s a pretty crazy statement, may wonder “how does an entire family just ‘forget’ about four years?  My response, I don’t know really, (I have edited the est of this segment as per a request via email.)

Anyways other than that life has been pretty descent, though today we move my brother into my parents house (where I’ve been staying since I was asked to move out).  He’ll be here for 3 weeks from the sound of it while Boardwalk sorts out his new apartment, after his old one has now flooded twice.  On the up side all of his stuff has been un-damaged from what I hear.  

The job hunt is going, nothing yet, but it’s still early on.  I had an interview which I don’t think I blew out of the water, but I feel like I did fairly well at.  I’ll find out Sometime next week or early the week after about that one, in the mean time I’ll be putting out more resumes.  If any of you happen to have leads on work I’d appreciate it, I’m looking for something not in the production industry if at all possible.  I’d also like something that isn’t too demanding physically as my back is still sore from MLS.

Anyways, that’s what I’ve got for now... more blogs to come!!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Horoscopes and Hamburgers

Well yet again it’s another late night-sorta wired blog... sue me.
I had a thought tonight (well several to be precise) but this one is standing in the forefront.  Don’t you just love Horoscopes?  For the most part they’re so vague and generalized that the odds of them not coming true are nigh impossible.   Take for instance my horoscope for today (Gemini in case you were wondering.)

"You should be feeling especially passionate now, Gemini, especially regarding partnerships. Romantic partnerships definitely call for an evening alone together. Professional and creative ones, on the other hand, call for a new project that you both believe in. Look to events in distant states or foreign countries for inspiration. Something begun far away from home could capture your imagination."

Lots of use of “should be” and “could” in there, nothing definitive for the most part.  Don’t get me wrong I’m not going on some rant and bashing them, just pointing out that they’re carefully written so as to not suggest a definite outcome or end product, but instead to point you in a certain direction.

I find that sometimes I do that myself in conversation with people.. “you could do this” or “try this” I often make statements and carefully word them so as to not be definitive.  I use such statements to give people the option to choose their own path, even if I know what the answer ‘should’ be.  Perhaps I tend to be too much of a pacifist (bearded monk?) in dealing with people, I don’t want to impinge on their right to choose for themselves, even if I do know better.  Though that begs the question, do I really know better? I know lots of things, perhaps sometimes just enough to be dangerous, but do I know all the right answers on a given subject? 

More food for thought I suppose, what I do know is that I am definitely now tired and with that being stated, I am off to bed.

Take care and Talk to you all soon!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Corporately Driven Love Day

So I decided I should blog today,  that being said I’m starting off without much of an idea of what to write.  I suppose the usual platitudes of “Happy Valentines Day” are in order, and I hope you all have one.   Myself I plan on celebrating it by watching a lot of Deep Space Nine, and than going out for wings tonight with friends. 

I’ve never actually been ‘big’ on Valentines Day even when dating, or while being married.  To me it seems a little bit... well dumb.  Why should you take one day out of the year to make a special show of your affection towards that someone special, and especially the same day as everyone else?  Wouldn’t it be better to show that special person how you feel about them when they’re not specifically expecting it?  I’d say this is worth consideration at least.  Of course this also has practical reasoning, factor in that on Valentines day usually the price of chocolate, roses, and the like all go up, so why not wait a week, or a month, or however long you wish and save a little money (or spend the same amount of money and get more?)

Enough of that anyways,  I hope you all have an excellent day!

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Ever have those times where you tell yourself “I’m not going to worry about ____.” Than all you do for the rest of that day, and sometimes the next day, and the next is worry about that things you said you wouldn’t?  You end up pouring a lot of time and thought into something you said you weren’t going to devote any time to at all.  I wonder what that is, is it your subconscious telling you that perhaps you should worry about it?  Perhaps the deep dark depths of your mind secretly knows better and is forcing you into dealing with something you want to choose not to? 

It’s an interesting concept, something that perhaps merits a little more study.  Life is interesting in and of itself, there are a lot of little details and seemingly insignificant things that later on you sit there and go “Huh... I wouldn’t have guessed this would have come to that.”   I had an interesting afternoon, I did soundcheck at the club which wasn’t much really it was “plug in the DJ and make sure it’s loud enough without potentially destroying anything” check.  After that I ran over to Long & McQuade where I used to work and spent a fair bit more time than I expected there visiting with the staff and catching up on what’s new, hearing the latest gossip in a certain co-worker there who seems to be as much if not more of a nuisance than when I was still there.  I find it interesting that some things never seem to change, and some things get progressively worse.  All the staff were more or less the same, nothing had changed as far as I could tell.  Yet from what I heard this one particular person seemed to have become quite a problem.  I will not go into any details as I’m commenting more so on the progression of their personal development than on the issues at hand.  I wonder what brings people to think that acting in a certain way is acceptable?

I see that in myself where I do things, or more often than not don’t do things to move forward in my life, or to change things that need change.  All too often I decide that I’ve failed at something before I’ve done it and as a result, don’t end up doing it.  Sometimes all you need to do is abandon all your naysaying and jump into something with both feet.  Sometimes it works out, and sometimes yes, you fail, but that doesn’t mean you should stop trying all together.  I know that I jumped into marriage with both feet, I was pretty excited for it at the time.  Right now it seems like it was a foolish thing to do, it didn’t work out in the end, there were things that came up that are apparently un-reconcilable and it has come/is coming to an end.  On the other hand last spring I took a big leap and decided I was going to play paintball a bunch.  Turns out I’ve played a lot of paintball in the last 10 months or so, and I’ll probably be playing a lot more in the months to come.  So yes, sometimes you win, and sometimes you fail, but that is part of life, nothing more nothing less.

Anyways food for thought, I’d appreciate your feedback and perhaps some interesting discussion will take place as a result (one can hope at least.)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Missing something?

So I’m sitting here Thursday morning, my second last day of this job and you think I’d be bursting at the seams almost, but I’m not.  Perhaps that will be closer to tomorrow at 5ish? 

I have a feeling that there will be things I miss about this job just like there are things I miss from all of my other jobs.  Some have far more good memories than others obviously.  I miss working at places like Joey’s Only, Dairy Queen, and even Long & McQuade sometimes because of some of the great people I got to work with.  I miss working at Moxies, not for the work environment or for the friends I made while working there (there weren’t any.) I miss it for the things I learned working in that kitchen, that place inspired me to try new things in the kitchen, which is generally a good thing. 

I’m not sure what I’ll miss about working here at MLS yet.  It was good to be able to focus on what’s my next gig, and getting to work with piles of gear.  But at the same time it was a lot of work setting up and tearing down, and driving hours and hours between shows.  I know I won’t miss waiting for months for the boss to fix a tire on one of the trucks, or paying for tow trucks and repairs on the vehicles and waiting to be reimbursed.  I’m not going to miss being asked to wait on depositing my pay cheque.  I know I’m not going to miss moving piles and piles of computers and waking up with sore body parts as a result.  So what is it that I will miss? I honestly can’t peg one thing... maybe nothing...

It’s like my (failed attempt at) marriage.  There are things I can tell you I miss about it.  The closeness, the having someone to talk to at night, someone to come home to and lay beside.  Someone to try out new recipes on.  There are of course plenty of things I don’t miss from that relationship but for the time being I’m not going to focus on them... Reality is that it’s all in the past and there isn’t much one can do about the past, unless one of you has a time machine I can borrow.   Fact of the matter is that I have a future ahead of me and I need to work on making that excellent. 

And with those words in mind I ask; who wants to play Star Trek Monopoly tonight?

Monday, February 7, 2011

Ramblings of a Mitch

I really do hate being up late and knowing I should go to bed, yet my body refuses to allow me to...

So in an attempt to remedy this I will write, the length of this will be relative to how much I feel like writing and/or how tired I get while writing.  Of course the more tired I become the more likely it is that there will be non-sensical rambling, which in and of itself could be quite entertaining.

Saturday I spent my afternoon in Moose Jaw “installing” the new sound system for the indoor paintball field at Prairie Storm Paintball. Great people out there give them a call and go play! (1-306-684-4700) I ended up running late doing that and scrambling last minute to find someone to cover my butt at the Exchange.  Luckily Adam was willing to do it and I hope he wasn’t abused too much on the gig. After that ended up going for dinner with Danny, Stephen and Stephen’s family.  It was good to eat as well as to socialize (even if I did have the early stages of a migraine coming on). After supper I came home took some medication to help with the migraine and spent my night trying to not let my head explode.

Sunday was the usual, get up early, went to church with the family, than went to Paintball in Moose Jaw which was good. It was quite the day as a few things I’d ordered through Stephen had arrived, as well as I bought a used gear back off Wyndan. We played a number of matches, mostly variations on single hit elimination and re spawn games. At the end of the day Danny and Wyndan took a little time to coach a couple of us on a few useful things for playing Tournament ball (aka Speedball/Air ball/whatever you’d like to call it), primarily working on snapping. I also learned how to shoot off hand, though it will be requiring much more practice over the next few months.

Today wasn’t anything special, went to work (the countdown is on, 4 more days as of this moment.) We took a trip to Moose Jaw to pick up some government salvage from Valley View, my first time there before this I’d only heard about it and/or made jokes.  It was your typical old hospital building, kinda eerie and creepy.  We loaded up piles and piles of old computer equipment that should have probably been disposed of decades ago, and were on our way back to Regina to drop it off.  While unloading a pile of CD’s fell over and what was on top? A disk labelled “Project Eden”... This of course immediately had my mind racing with images ranging from Zombie farm to Fallout 3.  Maybe Valley View is much more than meets the eye???

This evening was Monday wings as per usual.  Myself and a select group of friends head out and partake in 35 cent wings, drinks, and much story telling.  Always a good time to laugh and plot... and laugh... and plot some more.   After that I come home and cleaned up some of the music I’ve recently acquired on my computer, some of it labelled erroneously or not at all... I love you iTunes but really... WTF Mate?

Anyways, I think that’s all I shall write for now.  I’m going to actually start a blog at some point here, I will keep you all posted.